⚠️ You Shouldn’t Be a Product Designer If…

Nov 17, 2023

Read time: 2 mins

You shouldn’t become a product designer if you don’t like learning. 🚫

Times are changing in Product Design.

It’s more important than ever to master your craft and position yourself as an expert in a given area.

So how can you keep up with the industry?

Well, I'm so glad you asked. 😉


1. Follow LinkedIn leaders at the forefront of the industry who post thoughtful content.

Some of my favorite people:













2. Subscribe to these newsletters 🗞️

Lenny Rachitsky (Product)

HeyDesigner (UX Design)

Figmalion (Figma)

Growth.Design (Growth)

Jakob Nielsen (AI)

Sera Tajima (Conscious Design)


3. Read the following books 📚

The Path to Senior Product Designer by Artiom

Lean UX by Jeff

Emotional Design by Don

Hooked by Nir

Hacking Growth by Sean and Morgan

Articulating Design Decisions by Tom


4. Listen to the following podcasts 👂

Deep Dives by Michael (Ridd)

Beyond UX Design by Jeremy

Design MBA by Jayneil

*Sera’s Pod coming in 2024 🎉


5. Don't "network," make friends.

Message 3 designers and genuinely get to know them.


6. Are you more senior?

Here’s some bonus points. ➕ Start a course in an area of interest.

· AI

· Strategy

· Growth (Sera is coming out with a course)

· Sustainability

· Design Systems (Dan Mall)



With this and some self-directed learning, you'll be primed for this industry. 🙌 I'm rooting for you!

Are you a beginner? Then check this list instead!

➕ Follow The Craft and Sera Tajima on Linkedin to learn with us daily.

Sera Tajima

Founder, The Craft


When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you 💡


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