Meet The Craft's New Career Coach, Abbigail Rose

Jun 23, 2023

👋 Say Hi to Abbigail 

We're thrilled to introduce our newest Professional Product Design Bootcamp Career Coach, Abbigail Rose, a successful Sr. Product Designer at OpenTable. Abbigail is ushering a new Career Services Sector of our bootcamp, with 4 years as a Career Coach, Abbi is highly passionate about setting bootcamp students up for success!

In this blog, you'll learn Abbigails' insights on the key qualities of a successful Product Designer, her tips for staying up-to-date with learning, how they overcome challenges in their design career, and of course some secret career tips.

Whether you're an aspiring Designer, working Product Designer (UX), or interested in joining The Craft's Bootcamp, you'll find valuable insights and advice from Abbigail, from her years of experience in the industry. 


How Abbigail Got into Design

Abbigail embarked on her journey into product design, driven by their innate creativity and a thirst for solving problems. She initially dove into content creation, finding solace in writing, but soon realized it lacked the fulfillment they sought. As they explain,

"I loved writing, and that was what really resonated with me, but it just wasn't as fulfilling. I wasn't solving problems, and I definitely love puzzles."

Seeking a more fulfilling career, Abbigai ventured into the realm of PR and marketing, where they could exercise her creativity while addressing challenges. However, they still felt something was missing. During her work in PR and marketing, she stumbled upon the world of UX Design. Recounting her discovery, Abbigail enthusiastically shares,

"So it was through PR and marketing, one of my clients that I found out about UX design, like, oh, wait, they get to ask all the questions that I have. They get to be a lot more curious, like, what is this about? And people get paid for this. This is amazing."

Driven by curiosity and a desire to expedite her entry into the field, Abbigail decided to enroll in a bootcamp and since then, her experience has been nothing short of amazing.

Abbigail cherishes the vibrant design community and the opportunity to utilize a diverse set of skills in her daily work.

"I feel like I get to utilize a lot of different skill sets, and every day looks different. And so that was what was appealing to me, and that remains appealing to me too."

Abbigail's journey into product design serves as a testament to the transformative power of following one's passion. Her story showcases the importance of embracing new opportunities as she transitioned from content creation to PR and marketing before finding her true calling in UX design. Her path exemplifies the pursuit of creativity, problem-solving, and intellectual curiosity, inspiring others to explore their own career aspirations.



If you've been thinking about the transition from Marketing, here's what Abbi had to say about it:

Kharina: "Do you think having a background in marketing kind of helped or influenced your design processes or the way you think?"

Abbigail: "Absolutely. That and the content strategy aspect of it, being able to think about like, okay, yeah, what is the conversation I'm wanting to have with someone right now? Through the design, through the experience. And so that was one of the things that helped me the most when I was transitioning, is just leaning into these skills I acquired from a previous career and just be like, well, this is what sets me apart."


Key Qualities of a Successful Product Designer

A Product Designer is a multifaceted role, and these skills showcase that perfectly. By embodying these qualities, aspiring product designers can set themselves up for a fulfilling and impactful career.

  • Storytelling: Abbigail believes that storytelling is a crucial skill for Product Designers. It involves understanding the audience and tailoring the message accordingly, whether it's presenting to developers or leadership. Adapting the story to resonate with different stakeholders is essential.
  • Adaptability: Given the dynamic nature of the field, adaptability is vital for Product Designers. They need to adjust to feedback, updates, changes in strategy, and evolving technologies. Abbigail points out that technology is constantly evolving, and embracing and adapting to these changes is essential for success.
  • Relationship Management: Building and maintaining relationships is a key quality for product designers. This includes fostering strong relationships with teammates and users. Abbigail emphasizes the importance of staying connected with users, understanding their needs, and tapping into their insights. Establishing a steady flow of communication and maintaining a positive relationship is crucial.


Discovering a Passion for Guiding Careers

Abbigail's career took an unexpected turn when they ventured into the realm of career specialization and mentoring. After completing her boot camp, she wanted to stay connected, continue learning, and lend a helping hand. This led her to inquire about becoming a mentor for the next cohort or taking on a role similar to a Design Apprentice.

As circumstances shifted to remote teaching, Abbigail's journey as a career specialist began to unfold. They found herself drawn to the teaching aspect, but the career component truly resonated with her. Having personally experienced the challenges of transitioning and struggling to articulate her own story, Abbigail saw an opportunity to make a difference.

With the help she received during her own career transition, she felt compelled to assist others in navigating their own paths and securing that crucial first job.


Uncovering the Power of Storytelling and Sustainability

Through her virtual teaching experiences, Abbigail identified a gap in career mentorship. She became passionate about helping individuals craft compelling narratives that would set them apart. Abbigail explains,

"It's not just about getting a job, but also about creating something sustainable for the future."

They initially started with Flatiron, later transitioning to platforms like Design Lab, and now she's found a home at The Craft's Professional Product Design Bootcamp, finding immense satisfaction in guiding people to unearth their unique strengths and build fulfilling careers.


Picking Favorites

When asked about her favorite aspect of career mentorship, Abbigail's answer is unequivocal: storytelling.

They highlights the prevalence of impostor syndrome among bootcamp graduates and the importance of having someone to guide them through it. Abbigail's role is to help individuals recognize their skills, experiences, and talents, and then craft a story that showcases their uniqueness and boosts their confidence. They also emphasizes the value of self-reflection and applying design thinking to career development, enabling individuals to adopt a more holistic and fulfilling approach.


Career Coaching Is More Than A Job Offer

Her approach to career mentorship goes beyond merely treating symptoms. They aims to delve into the underlying factors and establish sustainable foundations for individuals to carry their learning and growth into future endeavors. By helping people tap into their strengths, navigate their journeys, and create meaningful narratives, Abbigail empowers them to build fulfilling and sustainable careers.

Abbigail's journey from product designer to career specialist and mentor exemplifies her dedication to helping others find their professional paths. Through the power of storytelling, self-reflection, and sustainability, they enables individuals to confidently shape their careers and embrace personal growth.

"In the career services part that I think is really cool because a lot of times people don't stop and think. They're just like, I need a job. Which is great. 

Yeah, I want to help you with that too. Sometimes applying that design thinking mentality to the career part too, is also really beneficial. So, like, why is this happening? Why are they asking me these questions? Why are they evaluating me this way? And how do I feel? Like, what's exciting to me, what do I want to showcase? Having that balance and that design thinking too."

Abbi doesn't want to treat a symptom. They wants to understand what's happening, so it's sustainable that people can carry on what they're learning to whatever else they do next, or however they want to grow. 


Staying Up-to-Date with Learning

Abbigail understands the importance of staying up to date with industry trends and expanding her knowledge base. They actively seek out resources and engage with other professionals to continue their learning journey.

Here are some of the methods she employs:

1. Edx for Accessibility and Certification: Abbigail highly recommends Edx as a valuable resource. They mention their excellent accessibility course, which can be audited for free. For those seeking certification, there is an option to pay and go through the course. Edx allows you to learn and stay updated at your own pace.

2. Networking and Mentorship: Abbigail emphasizes the power of connecting with other professionals. They regularly meet with mentors, seeking their feedback and insights. This exchange of knowledge helps her stay informed about the latest industry developments and gain diverse perspectives. Try using LinkedIn and ADPList.

3. Books and Tools: Abbigail finds value in books and tools that enhance her learning. They mention a tool called Pip Decks that they utilize, particularly for data exploration and explanation. This tool aids her in overcoming challenges and finding innovative solutions. Additionally, they engage with various books and resources that contribute to her professional growth. 

4. YouTube Channels: Abbigail actively watches YouTube channels to keep her knowledge fresh and gain different perspectives. Some of her favorite channels are Femke, Sera, Chunbuns, and Elize. "YouTube has been, like, a huge help to me just to make sure I can also create my own opinion and figure out my own perspective based on what I'm seeing other people do too." 


Overcoming Challenges in a Design Career

Abbigail says the biggest one is knowing that she can advocate for herself. 

"Realizing that I'm going to be my biggest advocate in what I want, where I want to grow, and showing that I'm doing it. I've had a lot of help over the years, but it's taken a long time to get where I am."

Abbi wants to make sure all of us remember to document. It's such a huge component of reminding yourself, yes, I can do this, because impact Syndrome gets us all at some point and sometimes multiple times, or it just never leaves.

"It's just like a dull roar. And so, yeah, that documentation of my wins slack messages like, oh, "that was so great", or, "thank you for that presentation", or, "that was so clear". All of those little receipts. And that all turns into advocating for myself at the end of the year." 


 A Sneak Peek Into Abbigails Morning Routine

Ever wondered how a Senior Product Designer starts their day? Here's a glimpse into her morning routine, where they set the tone for a productive and fulfilling day:

  • Wake Up: Rising from their slumber, as we all do!

  • Meditate: To center herself and cultivate a calm mindset, Abbigail begins their day with a peaceful meditation session. This practice helps her find clarity and focus.

  • Connect with Mom: During her morning walk, They take the opportunity to catch up and share moments of her life with her mom over a heartfelt phone conversation.

  • Playtime with Pups: Abbigail's furry companions play an essential role in her daily routine. They take a moment to shower her pups – Bastian and Clark – with love and lots of pets. I mean, look at them. How can you resist?

  • Matcha Time: Abbigail prepares a delicious matcha, which I wish I had right now.

  • YouTube Inspiration: As a source of inspiration and relaxation, Abbigail enjoys watching apartment DIY videos or indulging in her love for K-pop music videos. This short indulgence allows her to unwind before starting her day.

  • Home Office Arrival: Abbigail heads to her dedicated workspace within her apartment. Which I have to say is SO CUTE!! 

  • Email Check: Before diving into her work, Abbigail takes a moment to check her emails. This ensures they stay updated on any pressing matters or communications that may require her attention.

  • To-Do List and Goals: Abbigail believes in the power of organization and planning. They take the time to make a comprehensive to-do list and set clear goals for the day. This helps her maintain focus and prioritize her tasks effectively.

  • Start Working: With her to-do list and goals in hand, Abbigail kicks off her workday. Armed with a sense of purpose and an energized mindset, they dive into their product design endeavors, ready to solve problems and bring creative visions to life.


Get Coached by Abbigail and Sera

If you're an aspiring Designer looking for guidance from experienced professionals in the industry, consider joining The Craft's boocamp! With coaches like Abbigail, who've worked with companies like OpenTableDoorDash, Zendesk, Webflow, and Uber, you'll have access to invaluable insights and advice that can help you build your career in Design.

Our program is designed to give you the experience of working in a real-world design environment, complete with job strategy, design reviews, and a supportive peer group. By graduation, you'll have a job offer-worthy portfolio and the confidence to take on any design challenge. We're delivering the hard truths now to set you up for success. 

Don't hesitate — join our Professional Product Design Bootcamp today and build the skills and confidence you need to succeed in Product Design!



Kharina Parla

Marketing at The Craft 

When you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help you 💡



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