Misconceptions about Synthesis: Understand the Value of User Research

May 29, 2023

Synthesis is a critical part of user research, but many misconceptions exist about what it involves and how it should be carried out.

While it is often seen as a mere summary of research findings, it is much more than that. Synthesis involves analyzing and interpreting data, identifying patterns and insights, and translating those into actionable design decisions. In this article, we'll explore the common misconceptions about synthesis and what it truly involves.


First, What Is Synthesis?

At its core, synthesis involves reviewing and analyzing research data to gain a deep understanding of users and their needs. It goes beyond summarizing findings and involves identifying patterns, insights, and trends that can inform design decisions.


Common Misconceptions 

Misconception #1

Synthesis Is Just A Summary

Although synthesis does involve summarizing research findings, it goes beyond that. It requires deep analysis and interpretation of the data to uncover patterns and insights that can inform design decisions. Synthesis is not a passive process, but an active one that requires critical thinking and the ability to connect seemingly disparate pieces of information.


Misconception #2

Synthesis Is A Solo Activity

While synthesis can be done individually, it is much more effective when done collaboratively. By involving team members from different disciplines, perspectives, and skill sets, you can generate a more diverse range of insights and perspectives. Collaborative synthesis also promotes cross-functional understanding and alignment, leading to more user-centered and impactful design solutions.


Misconception #3

Synthesis Is Only Done At The End Of A Project

Synthesis is not just a one-time activity that's done at the end of a project. Instead, it should be an iterative process that is integrated throughout the design process. By continually synthesizing research findings and insights, you can make more informed design decisions and create a more user-centered product.


Misconception #4

Synthesis Is Only For Large Research Projects

Synthesis is valuable for all types of research projects, regardless of their size or scope. Even a small amount of research data can provide valuable insights that can inform design decisions and improve the user experience. Synthesis should be seen as a fundamental step in any design process, regardless of the scale or complexity of the project.


What Synthesis Actually Involves

Synthesis is a multifaceted process that involves several steps. By following these steps, designers can create evidence-based design decisions that improve the user experience and align stakeholders on goals and priorities.

These include

  1. Understanding The User

    Synthesis involves gaining a deep understanding of users by reviewing and analyzing research data. It requires empathy and the ability to see the world through the users' eyes.

  2. Digesting Your Learnings

    It requires reviewing research data and identifying patterns and insights that can inform design decisions. This involves connecting the dots and making sense of the data in a meaningful and actionable way.

  3. Sharing Stories And Prioritizing

    Synthesis involves communicating research findings and insights to stakeholders and team members and prioritizing design features and solutions. This requires the ability to distill complex information into simple and compelling stories that resonate with the audience.

  4. Creating A Coherent Summary Of What You Learned

    Synthesis involves creating a clear and compelling story that helps team members and stakeholders understand the user needs and design decisions. This requires the ability to synthesize information into a concise and meaningful summary that captures the essence of the research.


The Goals of Synthesis

The ultimate goal of synthesis is to create a deep and empathetic understanding of users and translate that understanding into actionable design decisions.

Specifically, Synthesis Aims To

  • Have a better understanding of all users: Synthesis aims to create a deep and empathetic understanding of users by analyzing and interpreting research data.
  • Identify patterns: Synthesis involves identifying ways and insights that can inform design decisions and improve the user experience.
  • Create evidence for the design process: Synthesis helps create evidence-based design decisions by translating research findings into actionable insights.
  • Create consensus when working in a team: Synthesis involves collaborating with team members to align on goals and priorities and build consensus on design decisions.


To Bring It All Together

Synthesis is an essential step in the design process that helps create evidence-based design decisions and improves the user experience. By gaining a deep understanding of users and identifying patterns and insights, synthesis creates a clear and compelling story that aligns stakeholders and team members on goals and priorities. Collaborative synthesis is particularly effective in generating diverse insights and perspectives.

To maximize the benefits of synthesis, it should be integrated throughout the design process, not just done at the end of a project.



Kharina Parla 

Marketing at The Craft 

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