7 Visual Hierarchy Principals Every Designer Should Know

May 30, 2023

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of design? Whether you're a budding designer or a curious enthusiast, understanding visual hierarchy is the key to creating impactful and captivating digital experiences. Join us as we delve into the realm of visual hierarchy and discover the secrets behind crafting engaging and user-friendly designs.

Let's get started!


🎯 What is Visual Hierarchy? 🎯

Imagine stepping into a beautifully organized room where everything is perfectly arranged, and your eyes effortlessly navigate from one item to another. Visual hierarchy is like that room, but in the digital world.

It refers to the strategic order in which information is presented on a page, guiding users' attention and facilitating seamless interactions. Just like a skillful organizer, designers use visual hierarchy to prioritize content and create a delightful user experience.

Let's explore some essential elements that contribute to mastering visual hierarchy.


1️⃣ Grids: Structuring with Style

Designers love grids, and for a good reason! Think of grids as the invisible foundation that provides structure and consistency to your designs. They act as a guide for content organization, making it easier for users to navigate through your website or app.

Whether it's a 12-column layout for websites or a 4-column layout for mobile, grids are your trusty allies in creating visually pleasing and user-friendly designs.

Check out this Figma article breaking down everything you need to know about grids!


2️⃣ Spacing: Give Your Design Some Breathing Room

Have you ever tried to read a wall of text without any breathing space? It's not a pleasant experience. The same principle applies to design. By maintaining consistent spacing between elements, you enhance readability, reduce clutter, and allow users to focus on the essential elements of your interface.

Aim for 8 units of spacing for desktop designs and 4 units for mobile to strike the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics.


3️⃣ Typography: The Art of Words

Fonts speak louder than words! Typography plays a vital role in guiding users' attention and conveying information effectively. By carefully selecting appropriate typography, such as heading styles and font sizes, you can emphasize important information and create a seamless navigation experience.

So, choose your fonts wisely and let them guide your users through the delightful world of your design.

Type Fontshare.com into your browser to browse a growing collection of fonts that you can use for personal and commercial purposes, and they're completely free! 🆓


4️⃣ Contrast and Accessibility: Design for All

Inclusive design is the name of the game. Ensuring adequate contrast between elements enhances readability, especially for users with visual impairments. Remember, accessibility is not just a buzzword but a core principle of good design.

By prioritizing accessibility, you create welcoming and inclusive designs for all users, regardless of their abilities.


5️⃣ Colors: A Palette of Emotions

Colors are like the painters of emotions. They have the power to evoke feelings, set moods, and communicate messages. Understanding the psychology behind colors enables you to wield them effectively in your designs.

Choose your color palette wisely, and let your designs harmonize with the emotions you wish to convey. Get ready to paint a masterpiece with the stroke of a brush...or rather, a click of a mouse!

Check out Huemint.com - their guided design tool can help you get inspired and create completely customizable color pallets! 🌈


6️⃣ Whitespace: Where Less is More

Ever heard the saying, "less is more"? Whitespace is the embodiment of that concept in design. By embracing whitespace, you give your design room to breathe.

Whitespace enhances visual clarity, separates content effectively, and creates a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing composition.

So, don't be afraid of the empty spaces. Embrace them and let your design shine!


7️⃣ Placement: Guiding Eyes with Patterns

Have you ever wondered how your eyes naturally move across a page? Designers have cracked the code! By structuring content in specific patterns, such as the "Z" or "T" pattern, you can guide users through the page intuitively.

The "Z" pattern follows a diagonal path from the top left corner to the bottom right corner, mimicking the natural reading flow for users in cultures that read from left to right, top to bottom.

The "T" pattern, on the other hand, places important elements at the top of the page, followed by a horizontal line of secondary content.

These patterns ensure that users encounter and engage with essential information first, creating a smooth flow of information.


Congratulations, you've now unlocked the secrets to mastering visual hierarchy!

By incorporating these principles into your design toolbox, you're well on your way to creating intuitive, engaging, and visually stunning digital experiences. So go forth, unleash your creativity, and let visual hierarchy be your guide in the exciting world of user experience design.

If you haven't already, sign up for Figma and become the master of your design universe! 

Happy designing! 🎨💡


Kharina Parla 

Marketing at The Craft 

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